PU CET PG Result 2013 www.cetpg.puchd.ac.in Panjab University CET 2013 Result

Panjab University Was Conduct the Common Entrance Test (PU-CET) for Post Graduation Programme(P.G.) on 15th June, 2013 to 18th June, 2013. Tentative date by which the result may be declared by the Panjab University is 04th July, 2013 to 10th July, 2013. Students are informed the PU-CET PG Result 2013 declare on 10th July, 2013 i.e Today (Tentative). PU CET PG Result 2013 will be declare on Panjab University portalwww.cetpg.puchd.ac.in.
Post Graduate Programmes In PU CET PG 2013 :
LL.M (2 year semester system), MCA (3 year semester system), MCA (Evening) self financing, M.A. Journalism and Mass Communication (2 year), Masters in Public Health, M.A. (English), M.Tech (Instrumentation), M.Tech (Nanoscience and Nanotechnology), M.E. (Chemical), M.Tech (Polymer), M.Sc (Industrial Chemistry), M.E. (Instrumentation and Control), M.E. (Electronics and Communication Engineering), M.E. (Information Technology) (2 year), M.E. (Computer Science and Engineering), M.Tech (Microelectronics), MBE (Master of Business Economics), MEFB (Master of Entrepreneurship and Family Business), M.Com (Hons), M.Com (Business Innovation), MBA (Commerce and Information Technology) MBACIT, Master of Physical Education, Bachelor of Physical Education.
M.Sc (Hons School) : Biochemistry, Biophysics, Computer Science, Mathematics, Microbiology, Physics and Electronics (self financing), Geology
M.Sc (2 year) : Bioinformatics, Environment Science, Human Genomics, Nuclear Medicine, System Biology and Bioinformatics, Microbial Biotechnology, Medical Physics,
M.Sc (Hons School/2 years) : Biotechnology, Botany, Chemistry, Physics, Zoology
The Admission shall be based on the relative merit of the students as determined by the marks obtained in the qualifying degree examination and the result of PU CET PG 2013.
The following functionaries may be contacted only in case of extremely urgent enquiry from 09.00 A.M. to 05.00 P.M. (on working days only)
1. Assistant Registrar (C.E.T.) 0172-2534829
2. Controller of Examinations 0172-2534811
3. Coordinator {PU-CET (P.G.)} 0172-2534229
4. P.U., Main Enquiry 0172-2534818, 2534819, 2534866
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Panjab University Was Conduct the Common Entrance Test (PU-CET) for Post Graduation Programme(P.G.) on 15th June, 2013 to 18th June, 2013. Tentative date by which the result may be declared by the Panjab University is 04th July, 2013 to 10th July, 2013. Students are informed the PU-CET PG Result 2013 declare on 10th July, 2013 i.e Today (Tentative). PU CET PG Result 2013 will be declare on Panjab University portalwww.cetpg.puchd.ac.in.
Post Graduate Programmes In PU CET PG 2013 :
LL.M (2 year semester system), MCA (3 year semester system), MCA (Evening) self financing, M.A. Journalism and Mass Communication (2 year), Masters in Public Health, M.A. (English), M.Tech (Instrumentation), M.Tech (Nanoscience and Nanotechnology), M.E. (Chemical), M.Tech (Polymer), M.Sc (Industrial Chemistry), M.E. (Instrumentation and Control), M.E. (Electronics and Communication Engineering), M.E. (Information Technology) (2 year), M.E. (Computer Science and Engineering), M.Tech (Microelectronics), MBE (Master of Business Economics), MEFB (Master of Entrepreneurship and Family Business), M.Com (Hons), M.Com (Business Innovation), MBA (Commerce and Information Technology) MBACIT, Master of Physical Education, Bachelor of Physical Education.
M.Sc (Hons School) : Biochemistry, Biophysics, Computer Science, Mathematics, Microbiology, Physics and Electronics (self financing), Geology
M.Sc (2 year) : Bioinformatics, Environment Science, Human Genomics, Nuclear Medicine, System Biology and Bioinformatics, Microbial Biotechnology, Medical Physics,
M.Sc (Hons School/2 years) : Biotechnology, Botany, Chemistry, Physics, Zoology
The Admission shall be based on the relative merit of the students as determined by the marks obtained in the qualifying degree examination and the result of PU CET PG 2013.
The following functionaries may be contacted only in case of extremely urgent enquiry from 09.00 A.M. to 05.00 P.M. (on working days only)
1. Assistant Registrar (C.E.T.) 0172-2534829
2. Controller of Examinations 0172-2534811
3. Coordinator {PU-CET (P.G.)} 0172-2534229
4. P.U., Main Enquiry 0172-2534818, 2534819, 2534866
Click Here to get PU CET PG Result 2013
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